Hell Bent Book Trailer

This is probably one of my first times animating a quadruped, and from a 3D sculpture at that! I’m definitely looking forward to more opportunities to make critters move. It was an honor to make an animated cover for Leigh Bardugo’s second book in her Alex Stern series (the first being Ninth House, if you’re interested in pickin’ it up).


praise reels

Leigh Bardugo is an impressive, accomplished writer whose smash-hit adult paranormal fantasy Ninth House won the hearts of many. Needless to say, many were eager to get their hands on Hell Bent. In collaboration with the Executive Director of Marketing at Flatiron, we made these videos collecting praise from Indie bookstores, readers, and Stephen King himself.

Starred reviews and praise

Gained 7k views on Instagram (March 2023)

Indie Bookstore review

Gained 13.8k views on Instagram (March 2023)


Client: Flatiron Books
Cover design:
Keith Hayes
Illustration: Sasha Vinogradova
Art Direction: Erin Gordon, Katherine Turro, Nancy Trypuc
Script: Katherine Turro & Nancy Trypuc
My roles: Animation and motion concept